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Posted on Apr 25, 2024
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Auto-translated from Russian

This is not my first purchase of lithium from the site. Previously, I bought lithium capsules from the same manufacturer, at a dosage of 5 mg per capsule. Even earlier, there was experience with taking lithium orotate at low dosages of 1000 mcg per capsule from Life Extension. When I found a tablet form of lithium from KAL on the website, I decided to switch to tablets, since the tablets are easier to divide. The need to divide arose because I feel more comfortable taking lithium in microdoses. I thought, instead of ordering low-dose lithium again from Life Extension, try dividing the daily dosage of 5 mg into several doses. However, in fact, dividing tablets is not very convenient. Both lithium and GABA tablets from KAL crumble very much. Of course, the manufacturer did not imagine that anyone would divide the already small tablets into parts) But I divide the tablet into 4 parts, since I take 1000 mcg at a time. To be honest, I’m already used to it and have even gotten used to dividing GABA tablets from this manufacturer. Why am I doing this? I described it in detail in my reviews of lithium and GABA drugs. You can read it on my reviews page. I'm not sure I'll repurchase lithium tablets from KAL. I am not satisfied with the presence of additional tablet-forming ingredients in the composition. Therefore, to save money and for benefit, I will purchase capsules with a large dosage (I found lithium on the website at a dosage of 20 mg per capsule!), and pour a smaller portion from the capsule in parts. I took off one star for the texture of the tablets. They crumble not only when dividing. After transportation, I found a large amount of white powder in the jar. This is a consequence of crumbling tablets. In the photo accompanying the review you can see my “crutches” for maintaining emotional stability in difficult times. GABA/GABA and lithium. Both are in tablets.

Posted on May 13, 2024
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Auto-translated from Portuguese
Posted on May 12, 2024
Posted on Jun 1, 2024
Posted on Jun 22, 2018
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Auto-translated from Russian

Previously, I bought capsules of the same manufacturer, with the advent of tablets I switched to them, since tablets are easier to share. Of course, the manufacturer did not expect that someone would divide them, but I divide the tablet into 4 parts, they crumble (photo), this is unpleasant, but not scary, since 300 micrograms per day are needed. So this bank is enough for me for a year per person. _____ Both parents (84 and 85) are constantly taking to improve brain activity by ~ ¼ tablets. After 8 months of taking Mom, the cognitive impairment was stopped. I wrote more in the capsule review. They started taking it after I found a study that even in micro doses (300 mcg once a day), lithium has a protective effect on the brain and can stabilize cognitive decline. It should be taken for a long time (in one of the studies 15 months). Such doses do not give any side effects. But it will take a lot of patience, as improvements occur very slowly. Lithium is used as part of complex therapy. _____ Lithium is primarily due to its inhibition of GSK-3. Dysfunction of this enzyme is associated with the pathophysiology of mood disorders, diabetes, cancer, neurodegenerative, inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. Lithium reduces the excitotoxicity induced by glutamate, has an immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effect. Studies have shown that lithium improves behavioral characteristics, cognitive functions, affects the duration of survival. Particularly interesting to me was the study that lithium in microdoses helps people recover faster after a stroke or heart attack. _____ Set 3 stars for the loose texture of the tablets: after transportation, a significant amount of white powder is found in the jar.

Posted on Jan 18, 2021
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Auto-translated from Russian
Posted on Dec 25, 2020
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Auto-translated from Russian