Page 1 - Reviews - Nutricost, Women, Myo & D-Chiro Inositol, 120 Capsules - iHerb
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Customer Ratings & Reviews

Posted on Apr 23, 2024
Verified Purchase
Rewarded Review

I’m now on my second bottle and I absolutely love it. After taking it for the first few weeks I dropped two pant sizes and I have been consistently losing weight slowly. My period cramps were not as painful as they’ve been my whole life and it completely changed my period. When I’m consistent with taking it at the same time every single day sugar makes me feel sick and I can’t stand tasting candy or anything sweet. I haven’t been taking it at the same time every single day but I still don’t like sweets as much as I used too and I don’t crave them like I used too. I take two in the morning and two right before bed and I get the best sleep and I don’t have troubles going to sleep. I’m a lot happier and my mindset has changed over the month of taking it which I didn’t realize my mindset had changed until I started taking inositol. I have also stopped liking grilled chicken since I’ve been taking inositol which is weird but my overall health has been improving a lot. I don’t get sleepy after eating a meal anymore which I used to have to lay down after eating every meal and try to take a nap even if I didn’t need too. I never miss a day and I keep seeing more change overall. You have to be constant and eating a healthy diet to see a change but when I first started taking inositol I was eating out a lot and still saw a difference. I wasn’t sure if inositol was going to be good for me because there’s not very many reviews talking about weight loss for pcos only fertility issues improving but that’s any supplement that helps with insulin resistance from pcos.